They Produce “Canadian Versions” of International Entertainment

Canadians love entertainment from around the world. They all wish they could have the same dry humour as the British or the same cool attitudes as the Americans. But they don’t. The kind of shows that are produced in Canada about Canadians are shows like Anne of Green Gables and Degrassi. It’s not exactly blockbuster entertainment. So, to …

They want a Canadian team to win the Stanley Cup… but not the Leafs

Canadians love hockey. I don’t think that statement needs to come with any sort of proof or statistics attached to it. It’s a well known fact. Hockey to Canadians is like soccer (football) to the world outside of North America. It’s a religion. It’s a way of life. Canadian children learn how to skate before …

They are either from Toronto or they hate Toronto

Canadians have a love-hate relationship with Toronto. On one hand, Toronto is Canada’s most populated city and home to most of Canada’s largest financial institutions and international corporations. On the other hand, Toronto is Canada’s most populated city and home to most of Canada’s largest financial institutions and international corporations. The same things Torontonians love …